The mystery of where the chains were was beginning to unravel, we already knew that his name was Luis aka the Restorer, that he had some other crony, a great woman who certainly did not deserve and most important of all, that the chains were hidden in his house.

But the important piece of information that escaped us came from the hand of our always efficient informer, the location of his house. When we arrived there, we found a somewhat strange padlock, since it was not numbers but letters that stood between us and the final key to the enigma of the chains of Navarre. After examining the door carefully, an inscription torn with a key on the edge of the door gave us the next clue, it read as follows:

Old , tall and silent I see you from my window every day greet the sun, tell me your name when my memory fails me.

_ _ _ _ 

*The key must be writtenin english  in lower case and without accent

  • ¡Respuesta incorrecta! ¡Respuesta correcta!
    Abrimos el candado, entramos en la casa y detrás de un viejo cuadro encontramos una caja fuerte. Al abrirla.... Ahí estaban las cadenas que tanto habíamos buscado ¡Las hemos encontrado! Enhorabuena equipo, por fin hemos recuperado las cadenas de Navarra y resuelto el caso. Os animamos a dejar vuestros comentarios e ideas para mejorar en el formulario que hay debajo
  • Comprobar
Hint 1
The town hall square may change your view of the test
Hint 2
The key is related to an animal
Hint 3
Although it does not fly, it is in the air.
The weathervane of the church is in the shape of a "cock".

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