The batch of wine destined to kill the mayor was part of one of the largest wine factories in Logroño, the prestigious Bodega Zoo. We believe that our poisoner managed to get his hands on one of the bottles and had it served directly to the mayor’s table. Unfortunately, the container has disappeared, but we know that the brand is one of the most famous of the Bodega and that its name is inspired by something from this street. We have obtained several labels from the same company that may be able to help us.

Let’s look for the always rich in wines Calle del Laurel, the clue that will reveal the name of the wine to begin our research.

Good luck guys!

Challenge Key

_ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*The key must be written in English, in lower case and without accent.

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    The investigation continues at Paseo del Espolón
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Translation support:

León dorado – Golde Lion

Flamenco rosa – Pink Flamingo

Hint 1
Look closely at the name of the winery and the photos of the wines.
Hint 2
The name of the wine is related to an animal and a color.
Hint 3
The solution is located at the end of Laurel Street and Sagasta Street.
Painted on the wall, we can see a "yellow elephant", that is the name of the wine that contained the poison.